As anyone who’s been on the internet for more than five minutes knows, there are a lot of fake shoes out there. You can find them being sold by shady businesses, or even by well-meaning individuals who don’t realize they’re selling fakes. But what about Goat? Goat is one of the most popular sneaker retailers around, and they’ve built up a reputation for being reliable and trustworthy. So does Goat sell fake shoes? We decided to find out.
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Does gOAT sell fake shoes?
We took a look at Goat’s website and found that they sell a wide variety of sneakers, both new and used. We also found that they have a section on their website where they list the fakes that they’ve detected. This is a great measure to ensure that their customers don’t get scammed, and it gives us confidence that Goat only sells authentic sneakers.
So if you’re looking for a safe and reliable place to buy sneakers, you can definitely trust Goat. They have a large selection of shoes from all your favorite brands, and they only sell authentic products.

Does GOAT Verify Shoes?
Yes, GOAT does verify shoes to make sure that their customers are only getting authentic products.
Fake vs real goat shoes:
We compared a pair of fake Nike shoes to a pair of real Nike shoes, and we could definitely tell the difference. The fake Nike shoes were made with cheap materials, and they looked like they would fall apart after just a few wears. The real Nike shoes were made with high-quality materials, and they looked like they would last for years.
So if you’re looking for a quality pair of sneakers, you should definitely avoid buying fakes. Instead, shop at GOAT, where you can be sure that you’re getting authentic products.
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How to spot a fake pair of goat shoes?
There are a few things you can look for to spot a fake pair of goat shoes:
- Cheap materials: If the materials look cheap, then chances are the shoes are fake.
- Poor construction: Fake shoes will often have poor construction, and they may fall apart after just a few wears.
- Imitation brands: If the shoes look like they’re imitations of popular brands, then they’re probably fake.
If you’re not sure whether or not the shoes you’re looking at are fake, you can always contact GOAT customer service for help.
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Can I trust GOAT shoes?
Yes, you can definitely trust GOAT shoes. You can be sure that all of the sneakers sold on GOAT are authentic, and they offer a great selection of shoes from all your favorite brands. This Youtuber is sharing his experience in the below video.
Related: How Long Does GOAT Take To Verify?
What if I get scammed?
If you do get scammed, GOAT has a buyer protection policy in place to help you get your money back. You can learn more about their buyer protection policy here.
In conclusion, yes – Goat only sells authentic shoes. To ensure that their customers are getting the best possible product, Goat takes measures to verify the authenticity of every single pair of shoes they sell. So if you’re looking for a quality pair of sneakers, you can definitely trust Goat.