In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, contributing your insights can be a powerful way to engage with a global audience and make a meaningful impact. Acrylicpedia, a leading platform for tech enthusiasts and professionals, extends a warm invitation to individuals and organizations within the tech sector to share their expertise through guest posts. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the opportunity, benefits, submission requirements, preferred topics, submission process, editing procedures, and more.

The Opportunity to Contribute

Acrylicpedia opens its doors to guest contributors in the fields of technology, business, and finance. Whether you’re a seasoned tech blogger, writer, or journalist, this platform provides a global stage for your thoughts and experiences. The target audience is diverse, encompassing both tech-savvy individuals and those new to the technological realm.

Benefits for Contributors

Contributing to Acrylicpedia comes with a range of benefits. Not only will your valuable insights receive appreciation, but the platform also shares contributors’ links on its social media channels. This exposure can help you connect with a broader audience, making it an excellent opportunity for those aiming to expand their customer base.

Audience Groups Encouraged to Contribute

If you have a story that can benefit the audience, Acrylicpedia welcomes your contribution. The platform encourages participation from:

  1. Those aiming to expand their customer base
  2. Individuals interested in tech discussions
  3. Those with stories that benefit the audience

Content Focus Areas

When crafting your contribution, it’s essential to align with Acrylicpedia’s content focus areas, which include:

  • Technology
  • Business
  • Money
  • Future technological advancements

Within these broad categories, preferred topics include Artificial Intelligence (AI), Application Development (AD), Internet of Things (IoT), Cloud Computing (Cloud), Big Data, IT Infrastructure, IT Security, and Cybersecurity.

Submission Requirements

To ensure your contribution is well-received, adhere to the following submission requirements:

  • Original, well-written, and error-free content
  • Minimum 900 words
  • Relevance to the platform’s topics and audience
  • Include high-resolution, copyright-free images

Contributor Demographics

Acrylicpedia embraces a global perspective and welcomes contributions from tech bloggers, writers, and journalists worldwide. This diversity ensures a rich tapestry of insights that caters to a global audience.

Preferred Topics

The platform emphasizes specific topics that resonate with its audience:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Application Development (AD)
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Cloud Computing (Cloud)
  • Big Data
  • IT Infrastructure
  • IT Security
  • Cybersecurity

Submission Process

The submission process is straightforward but requires attention to detail:

  • Original content only
  • Avoid excessive self-promotion
  • No commercial or advertisement-style content
  • Include links to social media profiles
  • Embrace mutualism; content may be published in various formats

Editing and Changes

Understanding the editing process is crucial for contributors:

  • Submissions may be edited for improvement
  • Be open to resizing or removing photos
  • Accept that content may be published in various formats

Caution Against Reuse

While sharing your insights is encouraged, Acrylicpedia advises against submitting the same material to multiple websites. Keep your contributions exclusive to maintain the integrity of the content.

SEO Guidelines

For optimal visibility, contributors should adhere to SEO guidelines:

  • Adherence to content quality, keyword density, heading tags, etc.
  • Infographics encouraged (size limit: 40 KB)


Be mindful of the timeframe involved:

  • Additional 2-4 business days for editing and publishing if needed


Relevant links are allowed in the main article, providing an opportunity to connect readers with additional resources.

Topics Accepted

Acrylicpedia accepts a broad range of topics related to small businesses, including:

  • Business Technology
  • Marketing
  • Cloud
  • Internet of Things
  • Information Technology
  • Big Data
  • Software
  • Internet
  • Web Apps
  • Social Media
  • Gaming

Submission Guidelines

Follow these guidelines for a successful submission:

  • Use headings (H1, H2, H3, H4)
  • Include a minimum of two internal links
  • Recommended minimum word count: 1000
  • Original, high-quality, and valuable content
  • No duplicate or copied articles
  • Photos and, if applicable, videos should simplify the text
  • Properly credited images and royalty-free content
  • Appropriate anchor text for links
  • Grammar and spelling check


Understand the copyright implications:

  • The platform holds the copyrights and may alter the content as needed

Why Write for Acrylicpedia?

Understanding the benefits of contributing is crucial:

  • Showcase expertise
  • Build an online presence
  • Connect with a tech community
  • Make impactful contributions to discussions on the latest tech trends

Contact Information

For questions or more information, writers can contact Acrylicpedia at

In conclusion, Acrylicpedia offers an exciting avenue for tech enthusiasts to contribute, share insights, and connect with a global audience. By following the outlined guidelines, contributors can make a lasting impact on the tech community while benefiting from increased visibility and engagement. If you have a story to tell or expertise to share, Acrylicpedia is the platform to amplify your voice in the dynamic world of technology.