What are the guidelines for how many times an employee is allowed to be absent from work? This is a question that many Walmart employees may be wondering. Today, we will explore the attendance policy at Walmart and what the expectations are for employees. We will also look at some of the reasons why employees may need to miss work. Stay tuned!
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How Many Occurrences Are Allowed at Walmart?
For many Walmart employees, one of the most important things to know is the attendance policy. After all, no one wants to get in trouble for being absent from work. So, how many occurrences are allowed at Walmart?
The short answer is that Walmart allows for up to five occurrences in 6 months. However, this policy may vary depending on the position that you hold and the store location. For example, some stores may have a more lenient policy for hourly employees.

It’s important to note that an “occurrence” is not the same as an “absence.” An occurrence is defined as a period of time when an employee is not at their scheduled post. This can include being late, leaving early, or taking an unscheduled break. An absence, on the other hand, is when an employee does not show up for their shift at all.
While Walmart does have a fairly lenient attendance policy, it’s still important to try to avoid having too many occurrences. If you do have a lot of absences or occurrences, you may be at risk of losing your job.
So, what are some of the reasons why employees may need to miss work? Here are a few of the most common reasons:
- Family emergencies
- Illness
- Bereavement
- Jury duty
- Military service
Of course, there are many other reasons why an employee may need to miss work. The important thing is that you communicate with your supervisor if you know that you will be absent. This way, they can try to accommodate your schedule.
What is Walmart’s Point System?
In addition to the attendance policy, Walmart also has a point system. This system is designed to keep track of employee absences and tardiness. Each time an employee is absent or late, they receive a certain number of points. The number of points given depends on the reason for the absence or tardiness. For example, if an employee is absent due to illness, they will receive three points. If an employee is late because of traffic, they will receive one point.
The point system works like this: once an employee accumulates four points, they will receive a verbal warning. If an employee gets to seven points, they will receive a written warning. And if an employee reaches nine points, they may be terminated from their position.
Of course, there are some exceptions to this rule. For example, if an employee is absent due to a family emergency, they will not receive any points. And if an employee is late due to an unforeseen circumstance, such as a car accident, they will only receive half a point.
How Long Do Points Last??
The points that an employee receives will stay on their record for six months. After six months, the points will expire and the employee’s record will be reset to zero.
How Many Occurrences is a Call-In at Walmart?
In some cases, an employee may need to call into work. This can happen for a variety of reasons, such as illness or a family emergency. When an employee calls in, they are considered to have used one of their occurrences. So, if an employee calls in two days in a row, they will have used two of their five occurrences.
It’s important to note that not all call-ins are considered equal. For example, if an employee calls in the night before their shift, they will use two occurrences. But if an employee calls on the day of their shift, they will only use one occurrence.
Additionally, if an employee is scheduled for multiple shifts in a row and calls out for one of those shifts, they will only use one occurrence. However, if an employee is scheduled for multiple shifts on different days and calls out for one of those shifts, they will use two occurrences.
For the most part, Walmart is understanding of employees who need to call in. However, it’s important to only call in when absolutely necessary. If you abuse the call-in policy, you may be at risk of losing your job.
What Happens if You Go Over the Limit?
If an employee goes over the limit of five occurrences in six months, they may be subject to disciplinary action. This could include a verbal warning, a written warning, or even termination. The severity of the punishment will depend on the circumstances surrounding the situation.
For example, if an employee has a good attendance record but had to call in for a family emergency, they may only receive a verbal warning. However, if an employee has a history of absenteeism, they may be terminated from their position.
It’s important to note that Walmart is not required to follow the point system. In some cases, employees may be disciplined or even fired without accruing any points. This is more likely to happen if an employee has a history of absenteeism or tardiness.
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How To See How Many Occurrences You Have at Walmart
If you’re curious about how many occurrences you have at Walmart, there are a few ways to find out. First, you can ask your supervisor. They should be able to tell you how many points you have and whether or not you’re in danger of disciplinary action.
You can also check your employee handbook. This should have information on Walmart’s attendance policy and point system. Finally, you can check the company’s website. Under the “Policies” section, you should be able to find all the information you need.
Can You Get Rewards For Good Attendance??
Yes, Walmart does have an attendance rewards program. Employees who have good attendance records can earn a variety of prizes, such as gift cards and extra vacation days. The prize for good attendance varies depending on the store location.
To be eligible for the attendance rewards program, employees must have no more than three occurrences in six months. They must also have no unscheduled absences during that period.
Final Thoughts
While Walmart does have a fairly lenient attendance policy, it’s still important to try to avoid having too many occurrences. If you do have a lot of absences or occurrences, you may be at risk of losing your job. So, it’s always best to try to make it to your shifts on time and avoid calling in unless necessary.